Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small file that a website downloads to your computer. Every time you return to that same website, the site will recognize you. The cookies that are created on our website do not contain your personal data, but only contain a sequence of numbers and letters that help to make your experience on the website as good as possible. With the help of cookies, website traffic can also be analysed, so website managers can see which pages are the most visited.

Please see below for further information on the specific cookies we use.

Essential cookies

These cookies allow you to browse the website and use the website functions. The website cannot function without these cookies. It is used to distinguish one visitor from another and provides the fundamental functionality of a website. The cookie does not store any personally identifiable information about the visitor.

Cookie nameDescriptionExpiry
ASP.NET_SessionId Used for differentiation between website visitors. It provides the essential functionality of the website. This cookie does not store any personal information that could identify the visitor. The cookie expires at the end of the session when the visitor leaves the website and closes the browser.

These cookies do not store any personal information that could identify the visitor.

Functional cookies

The website uses some cookies in order to adjust your settings on the website and to remember them when you visit the website again. A cookie is created only when you agree to the use of cookies on the website and remember this setting so that the notification is no longer shown to you and at the same time enables the use of cookies on the website.

Cookie nameDescriptionExpiry
__cacc This cookie is created only if the visitor accepts the use of cookies on the website and remembers this setting so that the website does not ask again and also to enable the use of cookies on the website. 1 year

These cookies do not store any personal information that could identify the visitor.

Google Analytics

These cookies collect information about how visitors use the website (for example, which pages visitors view most often). They are used to distinguish between visitors and count them. All the informations which are collected by these cookies are anonymous.

For the use of certain cookies the user's consent is required. You can also change your decisions about accepting or rejecting cookies later.

Please note that some website functionality may be reduced if you refuse to use cookies.

Cookie nameDescriptionExpiry
__utma Contains the number of visits and also the time of first, previous and current visit. 2 years
__utmb, __utmc Used to determine how long the visitor has stayed on the website - when he arrived and when he left __utmb: 30 minutes,
__utmc: at the end of the session when the visitor leaves the website and closes the browser.
__utmz Contains information if the visitor came to the website from a search engine (and if so, what keywords was he searching for) or via an external link or without a referring website (directly to the site, e.g. from the favorites). 6 months
__utmv Contains visitors variables. The cookie expires at the end of the session when the visitor leaves the website and closes the browser.

These cookies do not store any personal information that could identify the visitor.

Cookie Settings

We offer you the option to accept or reject the use of non-essential cookies on our website.
We have to warn you that some functionality of the website might be affected if you reject the use of those cookies.